Retail traffic counting improves staffing and sales

Using retail traffic counting, stores can more efficiently schedule staff and thus increase sales. When shoppers aren’t sure what to buy, and don’t get helpful advice from retail staff, 90% of them leave empty-handed, according to a recent consumer survey. A video retail traffic counter shows hourly, half-hourly or even 5-minute break-down of the number of people entering the store. The counts can be integrated with a workforce management system, making it easy to create better forecasts and staffing schedules

It gets worse. If the 90 percent of shoppers had received the help from shop assistants, 86 percent of them would have purchased even more than planned.

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Revealed: how testing shop window displays increases sales

Do your shop window displays attract customers? Are you sure? Video recognition technology tells you exactly how many people looked at the shop window, for how long and what percentage of them actually entered the shop. People can be tracked around the store and you can see if browsers turned into customers.

Video systems give over 98% accurate measurements of customer engagement and response, so retailers can improve displays and test exactly what converts browsers into buyers. Importantly, managers are also very quickly informed when shop window displays are failing to attract customers.

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